Nestled in the enchanting town of Polyarnye Zori, Russia, the Salma Ski Resort is a haven for winter sports enthusiasts. The live camera is filming one of the ski slopes of the resort, which is waiting for its skiers and snowboarders. The resort boasts a range of well-groomed trails, catering to both beginners seeking gentle slopes and seasoned riders craving adrenaline-pumping challenges.
Modern ski lifts ensure quick and efficient transportation to the summit, allowing visitors to maximize their time on the slopes. The cozy lodge at the base of the mountain provides a welcoming retreat, complete with comfortable accommodations, delicious dining options, and après-ski relaxation.
Nestled in the enchanting town of Polyarnye Zori, Russia, the Salma Ski Resort is a haven for winter sports enthusiasts. The live camera is filming one of the ski slopes of the resort, which is waiting for its skiers and snowboarders. The resort boasts a range of well-groomed trails, catering to both beginners seeking gentle slopes and seasoned riders craving adrenaline-pumping challenges.
Modern ski lifts ensure quick and efficient transportation to the summit, allowing visitors to maximize their time on the slopes. The cozy lodge at the base of the mountain provides a welcoming retreat, complete with comfortable accommodations, delicious dining options, and après-ski relaxation.