Nestled in the picturesque town of Bad Pyrmont, Germany, lies the remarkable Ewilpa - The Edible Wild Plants Park, renowned for its diverse plant species and educational value. The live camera captures the panoramic beauty of Ewilpa, allowing viewers to witness the park's landscapes from a bird's-eye view. Beyond the park's borders, the webcam reveals the surrounding countryside, with its rolling hills and picturesque vistas.
As visitors explore the park, they can encounter a diverse array of plants, from herbs and berries to mushrooms and wildflowers, each with its unique story and culinary potential. Educational signposts along the paths provide insightful information about the plants' characteristics. Ewilpa goes beyond being a mere park; it serves as an educational hub, offering workshops, guided tours, and interactive activities that delve into the art of foraging and the sustainable utilization of wild plants.
Adjacent to Ewilpa Park, the Parkhotel Pyrmont is a delightful hotel with scenic countryside views. This hotel truly impresses with its high level of comfort, cleanliness, attentive service, and meticulous attention to detail in every aspect. The cozy rooms in this small hotel are tastefully furnished, providing a pleasant and comfortable stay. One of the highlights of staying at Parkhotel Pyrmont is the abundant breakfast buffet, offering a wide selection of delectable dishes. Conveniently located in the heart of the city, Parkhotel Pyrmont offers a tranquil retreat while being just a short 10-minute walk from the city center.
Nestled in the picturesque town of Bad Pyrmont, Germany, lies the remarkable Ewilpa - The Edible Wild Plants Park, renowned for its diverse plant species and educational value. The live camera captures the panoramic beauty of Ewilpa, allowing viewers to witness the park's landscapes from a bird's-eye view. Beyond the park's borders, the webcam reveals the surrounding countryside, with its rolling hills and picturesque vistas.
As visitors explore the park, they can encounter a diverse array of plants, from herbs and berries to mushrooms and wildflowers, each with its unique story and culinary potential. Educational signposts along the paths provide insightful information about the plants' characteristics. Ewilpa goes beyond being a mere park; it serves as an educational hub, offering workshops, guided tours, and interactive activities that delve into the art of foraging and the sustainable utilization of wild plants.
Adjacent to Ewilpa Park, the Parkhotel Pyrmont is a delightful hotel with scenic countryside views. This hotel truly impresses with its high level of comfort, cleanliness, attentive service, and meticulous attention to detail in every aspect. The cozy rooms in this small hotel are tastefully furnished, providing a pleasant and comfortable stay. One of the highlights of staying at Parkhotel Pyrmont is the abundant breakfast buffet, offering a wide selection of delectable dishes. Conveniently located in the heart of the city, Parkhotel Pyrmont offers a tranquil retreat while being just a short 10-minute walk from the city center.