Monument Motherland in Volgograd city, Russia


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The Motherland Calls monument in Volgograd is an iconic symbol of bravery, resilience, and victory. Standing proudly on Mamayev Kurgan, the monument pays tribute to the heroism of the Soviet soldiers who fought during the Battle of Stalingrad in World War II.
The Motherland Calls is an awe-inspiring statue, towering at a height of 85 meters, making it one of the tallest statues in the world. The statue depicts a determined female figure with a sword raised high in one hand and a shield in the other, symbolizing the indomitable spirit and courage of the Soviet people. Surrounding the monument is the sprawling memorial complex, which encompasses various elements that honor the memory of the fallen soldiers. The complex includes the Hall of Military Glory, the Eternal Flame, and the Avenue of Heroes, where statues and plaques commemorate the individuals who sacrificed their lives for the victory. The memorial complex is not only a place of remembrance but also a site for reflection and contemplation. Visitors can explore the exhibits in the Hall of Military Glory, pay their respects at the Eternal Flame, and walk along the Avenue of Heroes, gaining a deeper understanding of the sacrifices made during the war.
The live camera captures a distant view of the monument, allowing observers to appreciate its grandeur and symbolism, unfortunately, the entire memorial complex cannot be seen.


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